Our story

Cabinetry & Co. takes great pride in working with our clients to create and design our custom cabinets to ensure a gorgeous, functional space that will showcase your unique personality and needs in our high-end, handcrafted cabinets. We are a boutique cabinetry shop located in Maine, and we believe in perfecting our craft. From the first meeting until final installation, Cabinetry & Co. will work with you to bring your vision to life.


I do what I love, and I craft unique pieces of exceptional quality. My story entails a lifetime of passion for woodworking. With a deep appreciation for British craftsmanship, I became particularly fascinated with the British kitchen aesthetic and inspire to create in my own cabinetry.

I have always thought that a craftsman and his material is an intimate one. It’s the beauty in the process that provides satisfaction at the end of each project. You never stop learning and always find better ways of doing something. When you love what you do and you’re deeply engaged in your craft, that is when you’re using your human capacity as fully as possible while also providing the greatest sense of living in a purposeful and meaningful way.